--(Making A Phone Tap)-- [ExiSt] Making A Phone Tap ------------------ By: ExiSt of TEk Okay, in order to understand the technicalities of a phone tap, you must first understand how a beige box works. To get more info on beige boxing, go back and read TEk MAg issue #4, where I explain in detail how to make a beige box. Materials Needed: Wire Cutters/Strippers Telephone Cable 1 pair OLD headphones 4 Alligator Clips Electricians Tape or Soldering Iron A Victim tape Recorder (optional) 1 ear phone jack (optional) Directions: Okay, now, this is what you do. Take the old pair of headphones, and cut off the headphone jack, about 10 inches up. Save the jack for now. Take the head phones, and strip each of the wires. Take a telephone cable, and remove the first plastic cover. You will see four more covered wires. Red, Green, Yellow and Black. Cut the yellow and the black ones off. Strip back the Red and Green ones. Now, connect the RED wire to one wire from the headphones, and either solder it, or tape it up with the electricians tape. Take the GREEN wire, and connect it to the other headphone wire. Again, solder it, or tape up the connection. You should now have something that looks like this: (green wire) _________________________/---\ (Telephone wire) / | 0 | / \___/ §§§==================| (headphone wire) (headphones) \ \_________________________/---\ (red wire) | 0 | \___/ Okay, if it looks like this, good. Now, take the part labeled (§§§) and cut back the plastic cover. Strip the ends of the Green and Red wires, and cut off the Yellow and Black wires. Solder an Alligator Clip to the red wire, and to the green wire. This is your initial phone tap. If you were to go to your victims house, and connect this to their TelCo box, you should hear them talking on the phone. But, I recommend that you try this at home first, by perhaps plugging it into your own TelCo box, or a wall jack. If your phone line goes dead when you connect this device, try to attach some 5k Resistors to the Red, and Green wires. Play around with the resistors, until you can connect the tap, and still here on the line. Uses For Blackmail: Alright.. so, you're sitting there, tapping someones line.. now you want to record their conversation, so that you can perhaps Blackmail this person at a later date. Try this: Take a HeadPhone jack, the ones you plug into you walkman, and connect do this to it: (red) (wire) /------------------ -==ð==ð=-----------| (phone wire) (jack) \___________________ (green) Connect each of the two wires to the Red and Green wires of a telephone cable. Connect an alligator clip to each of the two wires. Now, you'll need a tape recorder with a "Microphone" jack area. If you don't have one, borrow/buy/take/make one.. Plug the jack into the MircoPhone area, and then connect the red and green alligator clips to your victims TelCo box.. Connect your phone tap as well. Listen in. When you want to record the conversation, press record on your recorder. Again, test all this out. Sometimes the recorder or earphones will drain all the voltage from the phone lines, so try to play with resistors a bit. If you have any questions about this tap, or any article I have written, get ahold of me. ExiSt